Pacifistic Executor. Despite being an Executor, Min-Su is a kind and merciful person. She dislikes killing, and her method of execution is using a special exorcism called “Rite of Passing” that painlessly kills those who are suffering or have given up on life. Her church is in northwestern Walnut Creek, so she went to high school with Yui, although she is a few years Yui's senior.
B | A+ | C | C+ | A | B |
Min-Su’s specialty is Mana-Infused Herbal Tea. She uses plants from her personal garden to create natural "potions" out of tea. Alongside training to become an Executor, she has studied botany since she was young, as the subject has always interested her.
Min-Su was born into a family with ties to the Holy Church. She's been training to become an Executor since her childhood, but due to her disposition, her fighting style is more defensive. Since she went directly into Executor work after high school, her academic education is little more than a normal high schooler's. Due to her field work, though, she has a lot of practical knowledge. Min-Su is the Overseer of the Grail War, so she has been educated about every aspect of the War, though her Knowledge is not nearly on the level of Neal's.