Yui Nishimura (Return)


Mistress of Talismans. Yui is the heir to the matrilineal Nishimura family. Her father comes from another long bloodline, the Cruz family. She lives in the rich neighborhood in northwestern Walnut Creek, so she went to a different high school from Neal, Eugénie, and Andrea. She is paranoid around new people, but is quick to trust someone if they're a friend of a friend. She met Neal in college, and she gave Midori his nickname.


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Yui’s specialty is Talisman Creation. Her magecraft is the usage of talismans (mamorifuda), special slips of paper upon which she inscribes kanji to perform a variety of spells. This is a magecraft of her own creation, apart from the Nishimura craft, Flash Air, and her father's curses. Since it's still a work in progress, she can't perform many advanced spells. She can still use Flash Air spells, since they're in her mother's Crest, but she prefers not to.

Like many modern mages, she has trained in the martial arts to some extent. And, even though her magecraft is rather basic, her Circuits are among the strongest in the War. She's fairly smart, and through her family's resources, she knows a decent bit about the Grail War.