Nishimura No. 37 (Return)


Disenfranchised Cousin. Midori was born on the same day as Yui. Like all Nishimura children deemed "extraneous", he was given an identifying number, instead of a name and forced into servitude. Before Yui was separated from Midori for her magecraft training, she gave him his nickname. Midori has developed a minor superiority complex and a vendetta against Yui and the Nishimuras due to his circumstances.


B B- A- D++ C+ A

Midori’s specialty is Mixed Magecraft. He has powerful Circuits, but he was never formally trained in magecraft because of his lineage. Through unknokwn means, he has learned how to use both curses and Flash Air.

Midori's physical parameters are higher than most mages because of the manual labor he's done for most of his life. His father was not a powerful mage, like Yui's, but his mother was still a Nishimura, so his Circuits are still farily powerful. Midori's middling Intelligence parameter is a result of him being legally "homeschooled" so as to not attract attention to the Nishimura family's outdated practices. He has lots of practical knowledge, but most of his academic knowledge is from the Nishimura library.